"Farewell Photograpgy" is one the most important photographic collections of Moriyama Daido. Unfortunatly, I cannot recognize the only word in this collection-- the book title. Therefore, I read this book in knowing nothing about this collection, its time, its place and so forth.
When I read this collection, I feel very confuse. I don't know why Daido arranges his photos like this. And I also feel a kind of very strong emotional expression. It is distress, sadness, and I can feel like Daido feel life is tedious or something in this collection.
Well, during the reading, it would really hard, and uncomfortable. Becasue whole the book full of negative emotion. However, this is the first time I experience that the photo surly can transmit photographer's will, his emotion and his mental condition. I never read a photographic collection like this one. It is really worth to read if you have one nearby your hand.
直到唸完,在書的最後一頁看到書名的英文,我才恍然大悟,原來這本就是「寫真再見」啊!這本攝影集是森山的創作生涯中期某一段低潮的時間,似乎是因為跟老 婆離婚還是怎樣的所以對於人生意興闌珊的一段時期,據說當時他出了這本書之後就把所有的相機都賣掉,中間有好幾年都沒有碰相機也沒有出版任何的攝影集,至 於有沒有拍照就不為人知了,一直到好幾年後,有朋友在送了他一台相機之後才重新開始了攝影之路。